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By Pejman Javaheri
Founding Partner

Finding yourself in a situation where you need a personal injury attorney is undeniably tough. It can seem like an overwhelming experience, however, finding the right legal team to fight on your behalf can make the process a lot easier. That is why we have compiled a list of 10 questions that you can ask a personal injury attorney during an initial consultation to determine if this attorney is the right fit for you and your unique situation. 

Experience and Approach: Laying the Foundation

At the heart of the issue, you need to know whether the attorney you are interviewing is up to the task of winning your case. That’s why the first question you should ask is, “What is your experience in handling personal injury cases?”

Picture yourself in a shoe store, you wouldn’t buy a running shoe for a mountaineering trip, would you? In the same way, if your attorney specializes in traffic accidents but your case involves medical malpractice, they might not be the right fit.

Next, inquire about their approach by asking, “What is your approach to handling personal injury cases?”

Are they aggressive litigators who are ready to take every case to trial, or do they prefer to settle cases amicably outside court? Knowing this is like getting a GPS for your journey – it helps to understand the road ahead.

Communication and Assessment: Building the Blueprint

Keeping in the loop is vital. So ask, “How will you communicate with me throughout the process?”

Will you receive weekly email updates, or should you brace yourself for month-long silences? It’s the equivalent of having a co-driver on your journey who updates you on the turns ahead.

Having a realistic overview of your case’s prospects is equally essential. So next you should sak, “What are the potential strengths and weaknesses of my case?”

It’s like understanding the weather conditions before setting out on a journey. It helps you plan and pack accordingly, avoiding any unpleasant surprises.

Timelines and Compensation: Looking at the Destination

The duration of the case is often a primary concern, so asking, “How long do personal injury cases typically take to resolve?”, is akin to asking how long the journey will take. While the attorney may not give you an exact ETA, you can at least have an estimate.

Understanding potential rewards is also crucial. That is why you should ask, “What types of compensation can I seek in my personal injury case?” 

Are we talking strictly about medical bills, or does it extend to lost wages or even emotional distress? This is the landscape of the destination – knowing what’s in store at the end of your journey.

Trials, Valuations, and Challenges: Mapping the Terrain

Moving forward, it’s vital to know if your case will likely end up in court. So next you should ask, “Will my case go to trial, or can it be settled out of court?”

It’s the difference between a comfortable cruise down the highway or an off-road adventure. 

An equally important question is, “How do you determine the value of my personal injury claim?” 

This is your attorney’s road map, showing the factors they’ll use to determine your case’s worth.

Finally, identifying possible obstacles can help you plan better. So ask, “What are the potential challenges or obstacles in my case?” 

This is your hazard warning sign, preparing you for any bumps or detours on your journey.

Cost: Counting the Mileage

Last but not least, the question we often dread is, “What fees and costs are involved in hiring you as my personal injury attorney?”

This is the fuel for your journey, the financial cost of getting from point A to point B. Clearing this upfront ensures you’re not blindsided later.

Indeed, discussing the cost of legal services is a crucial aspect of your initial meeting. Many attorneys, such as the attorneys at Mi Abogado Law Firm, operate primarily on a contingency fee basis. This means you are not required to pay any legal fees upfront. 

Instead, lawyers that work on a contingency fee basis are compensated only if they successfully recover damages on your behalf. Essentially, they don’t get paid unless you do, ensuring their interests are perfectly aligned with yours. 


Here’s a checklist summarizing all 10 of the questions you should ask your personal injury attorney during your initial consultation:

  1. What is your experience in handling personal injury cases?
  2. What is your approach to handling personal injury cases?
  3. How will you communicate with me throughout the process?
  4. What are the potential strengths and weaknesses of my case?
  5. How long do personal injury cases typically take to resolve?
  6. What types of compensation can I seek in my personal injury case?
  7. Will my case go to trial, or can it be settled out of court?
  8. How do you determine the value of my personal injury claim?
  9. What are the potential challenges or obstacles in my case?
  10. What fees and costs are involved in hiring you as my personal injury attorney?

Feel free to print or use this checklist to ensure you cover all the important aspects during your consultation with a personal injury attorney. This guide was compiled by Pejman Javahari, a personal injury attorney and Founder of Mi Abogado Legal, a law firm in Los Angeles, California that specializes in all aspects of personal injury law.

About the Author
P.J. Javaheri is an experienced personal injury attorney and a founding partner of Mi Abogado. Mr. Javaheri received his Juris Degree from the University of California, Hastings in 2005. Mr. Javaheri is dedicated to serving clients in Los Angeles and throughout Southern California. His practice focuses on the area of personal injury law, particularly in representing people who have been injured in car, motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents, the practice also specializes in premises liability matters. In recognition of his skills and dedication to his vocation, Javaheri has been named on the California Super Lawyers Rising Stars list in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Mr. Javaheri is also active in the Consumer Attorneys of California and the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles.  In 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, Mr. Javaheri was honored with appointments to the Los Angeles Trial Lawyers Charities (LATLC) Honorary Board of Directors at its highest level; the Diamond Level. If you have any questions about this article, you can contact Mr. Javaheri at 310.694.3084 or by emailing